Legal support of Czech exports
ECOVIS ježek, Czech law firm also provides advice and service to Czech companies that conclude supplier contracts with foreign entities. These are in particular the following types of contracts:
- contracts for the supply of investment units abroad (turnkey projects)
- processing of export financing
- contracts for the supply of heavy and light industry (trucks, ironmongery, food products)
- international transport (transport contracts)
- registration of trademarks abroad
- IP protection rights, licenses
- cross-border arbitrations
- debt recovery abroad
Legal services are provided by ECOVIS ježek, Czech law firm to Czech companies and exporters, with the help of leading law firms, especially from the UK, Germany, Russia, Turkey, India and China.
ECOVIS ježek, the Czech law firm can ensure for complex Czech legal advice in company formation and set-up of Czech business for business clients
Mojmír Ježek and other members of the Czech ECOVIS team have extensive experience with provision of top-quality legal services in all aspects of Czech law.
You can reach the responsible partner at the following contact details.
t: +420 226 236 600 | e: mojmir.jezek@ecovislegal.cz