Banking, finance and capital markets law
Czech law firm ECOVIS ježek's legal team and its cooperating czech lawyers and advisors have extensive experience in Czech financial law, Czech banking law, Czech insurance law and Czech capital markets and provide advice to Czech and foreign banks, securities brokers, Czech and foreign collective investment funds, pension funds and other financial institutions in all aspects of their business activities.
The legal advice in Czech law typically provided by the Czech law firm ECOVIS ježek in this area includes, in particular:
- legal assistance under Czech law in arranging all kinds of Czech loans, including acquisition, export or syndicated financing
- processing and revision of standard documentation for retail and corporate financial products
- analysis and solution of regulatory issues related to the activities of domestic and foreign banks, investment firms and other financial institutions
- legal assistance in connection with the public offering or private placement of securities and financial instruments in the Czech Republic and the admission of securities to trading on public markets in the Czech Republic squeeze-out and squeeze-outs
- transactional and regulatory advice related to derivatives trading and structured finance products in the Czech Republic
- regulation and compliance with EU and Czech legislation, including representation and communication with regulators
ECOVIS ježek, the Czech law firm can ensure for complex Czech legal advice in company formation and set-up of Czech business for business clients
Mojmír Ježek and other members of the Czech ECOVIS team have extensive experience with provision of top-quality legal services in all aspects of Czech law.
You can reach the responsible partner at the following contact details.
t: +420 226 236 600 | e: mojmir.jezek@ecovislegal.cz